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AIM PT100 water temperature sensor 1/8″ conical thread with 2 Kohm resistor
AIM water/oil temperature sensor PT100, 1/8″ conical thread, 4-pole 719 connector 2 kohm (black).
This temperature sensor is suitable for measuring temperatures from 0-200 °C (e.g. water temperature or oil temperature).
This temperature sensor is suitable for the following AIM data log systems:
-AIM Evo 3 , AIM Evo 4, AIM Evo 4S and AIM Evo 5 data logger.
-AIM MXL, AIM MXL2, AIM MXS, AIM MXS Strada, AIM MXm and AIM MXG dash logger.
-AIM MyChron 3 Plus/Gold/XG Log Auto and Motor data loggers
Note: Not for use with an AIM Mychron 4 and AIM Mychron 5!